School Admissions

To view the Admission Policy for our school please click here

Please then click on the link to the Determined Admission Criteria and Scheme for the required year, and our Admission Policy is shown under GCC Admission Arrangements.

Haresfield C of E School is a voluntary controlled school.
If you have a child who is due to start in reception in September 2025 or if you know anyone who would be interested in a place at Haresfield School in September 2025 we will be holding several open mornings in early November (after half term). If however you miss these dates please contact Mrs Buckle using the school contact details to make an appointment.

We have 15 children in a year group. Requests for a place for a child ‘in year’ (all children except Foundation Stage September starters) should be addressed direct to the school who will be happy to advise you.

We welcome all to Haresfield School and are happy to show families around prior to you making a decision.