General Information

The school doors open at 8:40 each morning to allow children to come in and get settled before registration opens. Staff are on duty at 8.40am in the courtyard. Children may be left after this time.
Parking outside school is limited so we encourage parents of junior children to drop their children off outside the school gate unless they need to come into school to see Mrs Buckle or the class teacher.

A typical day at Haresfield:

8:55 Registration
9:05 Registration closes - lessons begin
10:30 Break
10:45 Lessons begin
12:00 Lunch break
1 :00 Afternoon registration – lesson begin
2:30 Infant Playtime
3:15 End of day

Please pick up your child from the gate on the field at 3:15.

School Hours

Breakfast Club is run everyday from 7:45 am. Please bring your child to the school hall and sign them in.

The morning bell goes at 8.50am

Morning 8.55am – 12.00pm
Afternoon 1.00pm – 3.15pm

Please pick up your child from the gate on the field at 3:15.


Each short term we offer a variety of clubs to encourage the children to try new activities. The choices are sent out at the beginning of term and children must sign up for the whole six weeks. If a child is unable to attend a club we ask that parents send a note to the member of staff involved. There is sometimes a limit on the number of children that can be catered for and in this case the places are offered on a first come first served basis. If any parents feel that they could help run an afterschool club please come in and see us.

Clubs this term are :-

Monday – Gymnastics, Girls Football, Horse riding

Tuesday – Boys Football,  Chess, Young Voices, Just Dance

Wednesday – Drawing and paper folding club

Wednesday – Cricket Club

Thursday – KS1 Art club, Yoga Club

We issue a newsletter several times a term and copies are available on the website. A paper copy is sent home to all families via their oldest or only child. If you wish to have an e-mail alert to a new newsletter being available on the website please contact the office. Other letters are sent home with the children or are available on this site. Please contact the office if you would like to receive these by e-mail as well.

The staff and children have completeley reviewed the library and hundreds of new books have been ordered to re-stock it. We have started with fiction and hope the children will be delighted with the books that have been chosen. We have tried to get all the titles recommended or requested by them and many more. The library is open once a week after school on a Friday for parents to visit with their children and help them select books.

The absence of a child due to sickness must be reported to the school before 9.30am. Planned absences such as dance or music exams should be reported to the class teacher at least a week in advance. All medical and dentist appointments should be taken out of school hours unless urgent. These must be reported to the class teacher as soon as possible.

No term time holidays are authorised and this is monitored by the Education Welfare Office. Please see the term-time absence policy drawn up by the Governors in line with Gloucestershire policy for further details.

You will be told by letter or note if your child needs money in school for any reason such as a cake sale. Money for school trips or activities should be sent in with your child and they should give it to their class teacher. Please make sure all money is in a named envelope with the class, reason and amount on it.

All dinner money must be paid through Parent Pay. We are exploring the possibility of making one off meals easier to pay for and will let you know when we have sorted an effective and quick way out.

All children need to have a pair of wellies in school so that we can continue to play out on the field for as long as possible. Last year we managed to use it until December and re-started in March. Please make sure they are clearly named and check the ink is waterproof! Bright coloured wellies are great as children can easily find their own.

Governor vacancies
There are no vacancies at the moment.